Try Samples

Let's try scripts and applications of samples.

RubyCocoa Application

First, try to execute a RubyCocoa application which has already been built. In Finder, open '/Developer/Examples/RubyCocoa' folder and double-click SimpleApp. Or type following on command line:

% cd /Developer/Examples/RubyCocoa
% open

on command line (Terminal)

You can write a script for command line with RubyCocoa. Now, let's try to execute a simple script in sample directory.

% cd /Developer/Examples/RubyCocoa
% ruby fontnames.rb # fontname print to stdout.
% ruby sndplay.rb   # system sounds play in order.
% ruby sndplay2.rb  # system sounds play in order with short interval.

For Mac OS X 10.2 or later users, furthermore:

% echo Hello World | ruby speak.rb
% head -5 speak_me.txt | ruby speak.rb

This will be interesting. When you execute speak.rb without arguments, the Mac will read all the text you type until 'control-D' is input. This script uses the AppleScript (and AppleEvent) interface which has been implemented since Mac OS X 10.2.

Next, try scripts with windowing.

$ ruby HelloWorld.rb                       # window and buttons
$ ruby TransparentHello.rb                 # transparency!
$ (cd Hakoiri-Musume && ruby rb_main.rb )  # puzzle game

Build a Makefile-based RubyCocoa application

The next example is Makefile-based. Type this to build:

% cd /Developer/Examples/RubyCocoa/Hakoiri-Musume
% make

Now launch the application:

% open

or double-click 'CocoHako' in the Finder.

Build a Xcode-based RubyCocoa application

The next example is Xcode-based. Type this to build it:

% cd /Developer/Examples/RubyCocoa/simpleapp
% xcodebuild
% open build/

You can build and run the application in Xcode, too. Launch the application:


There are various other samples. Please read and try them. Have fun!
